Unable to access websites ports already in use error message

I have a Windows 2003 server with IIS installed. I have configured two different websites, one for 'windows authentication' and naother one for Anonymous access. When i try to start website with 'Windows Authentication' I am able to start the site, but when i try to start Anonymous site, it says message Port is already in use. Either i tried starting Anonymous site, i was able to, but when i tried to start Windows authentication site, it says the same error message. All the configuration are as per standard and i have two different ip's for sites. Both are SSL enabled.

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Need to check process ID of an application

How do I find process ID of an application in server

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Not able to join the computer to domain

I have 3 workstations and 1 server. I have promoted server to DC. I am trying to join the workstations to join to domain. Two workstations i have joined but third one it is not getting joined.

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What is called Processor Value Unit (PVU) and how to check in a server?

How do I check Processor Value Unit (PVU) in my servers?

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How to change proxy settings in Internet Explorer through registry

Can someone tell me how do i change my proxy settings in my Internet explorer. I not able to change any settings as it is grayed out/disabled. I think it is restricted through group policy.

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Internet Explorer gets hung, gets closed, page not opening and not responding

I was not able to browse any sites in Internet Explore. As soon as i typein any URL and click on OK the browser will close off. I was not able to open 'Internet options' and even any other menu bars.

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Event ID: 8 Failed auto update retrieval of third-party root list sequence

Event Type:      Error
Event Source:   crypt32
Event Category:            None
Event ID:          8
Date:                6/01/2011
Time:                1:57:58 PM
User:                N/A
Computer:        testserver
Failed auto update retrieval of third-party root list sequence number from: <http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/authrootseq.txt> with error: The server name or address could not be resolved

Event Type:      Error
Event Source:   crypt32
Event Category:            None
Event ID:          8
Date:                6/01/2012
Time:                1:57:58 PM
User:                N/A
Computer:        testserver
Failed auto update retrieval of third-party root list sequence number from: <http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/authrootseq.txt> with error: This network connection does not exist.

I get below error message hundreds of times in my system event logs….

How do I stop it.?

Unable to launch published application through citrix web interface

Unable to launch the published application through citrix web interface, shows error: ERROR: An error has occurred while trying to enumerate your applications. And this error comes intermittently after logging into citrix. In eventvwr i see below errors logged in web server.

An error occurred while attempting to connect to the MetaFrame server "localhost" on port "8080". Please make sure that the Citrix XML Service is running on the MetaFrame servers and listening on a valid port. If the Citrix XML Service is configured to share ports with the Internet Information Service (IIS), please make sure that the IIS WWW service is running. This message was reported from the XML Service at address "http://localhost:8080". This XML Service could not be contacted and will be temporarily removed from the list of active services. Log ID: 415b1600
Source:Web Interface at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\MetaFrame

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File extension got corrupt and unable to open any files

Question:  I have a PC with windows client OS and it was effected by virus and i was unable to open any files. Now i have cleared the virus with some anitvirus software and now the system is clean. But, i am not able to open any files and the file type icon shows unknown.

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