Unable to launch published application through citrix web interface

Unable to launch the published application through citrix web interface, shows error: ERROR: An error has occurred while trying to enumerate your applications. And this error comes intermittently after logging into citrix. In eventvwr i see below errors logged in web server.

An error occurred while attempting to connect to the MetaFrame server "localhost" on port "8080". Please make sure that the Citrix XML Service is running on the MetaFrame servers and listening on a valid port. If the Citrix XML Service is configured to share ports with the Internet Information Service (IIS), please make sure that the IIS WWW service is running. This message was reported from the XML Service at address "http://localhost:8080". This XML Service could not be contacted and will be temporarily removed from the list of active services. Log ID: 415b1600
Source:Web Interface at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\MetaFrame

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1 comment:

  1. I have faced the similar issue, My network is running with Windows 2003 server with Citrix PS4.

    There was a mismatch in the XML port number that's the reason XML port couldn't fetch the applications published on the server correctly. You can find the XML port number under website properties and same port number to be entered under server properties in metaframe console.

    If you have 4 PS servers in your farm, in all four servers the XML port number should be same as mentioned in citrix web site, XML tab. If in anyone server it is not metioned correctly then this issue will occur. That's the reason you will be able to launch the application sometime and wont be able to launch sometime, intermittent issue.
