Unable to launch the published application from citrix: Cannot connect to the citrix Xenapp server: Protocol Driver error

I have a server running Windows 2003 Enterprise edition with Citrix XenApp 4.0. I am unable to launch the application published on this server (Any application).
I get "Cannot connect to the citrix Xenapp server: Protocol Driver error" while launching the application.

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  1. I faced the similar issue in my network running Citrix XenApp4.0.

    First, I checked whether i am able to telnet to port 1494 which i was not.

    Second, Checked the ICA listener under server sessions.

    Open 'Terminal Services Manager'-expand 'this computer'-click on 'server'- in right side click on 'sessions' tab and check 'ICA-tcp'state. It should be in 'Listen' state. In my case it was showing 'Down', resetted the same.

    I was able to telnet to port 1494 and was able to launch the applications.

    There might be many resolution for this 'Protocol driver error' problem but it got resolved in my network.

    1. after the given steps my citrix is working fine
