We have a server running W2K SP4. We are not able to install any patch on this server. We get below error message.

Setup encountered an error:  You do not have permission to update Windows 2000.
Please contact your system administrator.
Tried installing with administrator accounts too but no luck.

Permissions are not defined for Administrators group in
Local Policies>User right assignments> Backup and Directories policy

We added Administrators group in "Backup and Directories policy" and we were able to install the patches.

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Schedule tasks folder does not exists in Control Panel

I have a server running with W2K3 SP2. Somehow If you dont see Schedule tasks folder in control panel and also couldn't see "Task Scheduler" service in services console.

Try these option:

- Go to %Windir%\inf folder.
- Right click on MSTask.inf and install.
- This will ask for OS dump and you need to place W2K3 SP2 CD.
- After installation, reboot the server.

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Command to clear the dead paths in EMC Powerpath

I could see dead paths in EMC console as below. These disks are not attached to the server anymore.

Executing below command will clear the dead paths.

Run this command: Press ‘Y’ to remove.

C:\>powermt check
Warning: Symmetrix device path c2t0d85 is currently dead.
Do you want to remove it (y/n/a/q)? y
Warning: Symmetrix device path c2t0d86 is currently dead.
Do you want to remove it (y/n/a/q)? y
Warning: Symmetrix device path c3t0d85 is currently dead.
Do you want to remove it (y/n/a/q)? y
Warning: Symmetrix device path c3t0d86 is currently dead.
Do you want to remove it (y/n/a/q)? y

Run this command to check any other dead paths are present

C:\>powermt check force
Device(s) not found.

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Windows Cluster How to Uninstall the Cluster Service on a Windows Server 2003

The files for the Cluster service are installed, by default, on computers that run either Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition or Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition. In earlier versions of Windows, this feature had been in the Add/Remove Programs tool.

You cannot remove the Cluster service, but you can return it to an unconfigured state. To remove the cluster service from a failover node, follow these steps:
1.      Start Cluster Administrator (CluAdmin.exe).
2.      Right-click the node, and then click Stop the Cluster service.
Note: Do not perform this step if this server is the last node in the cluster.
3.      Right-click the node, and then click Evict Node.
This step returns the cluster to its original unconfigured state. You can re-add it later to the same or to a different cluster.

To remove the cluster service from the last node, follow these steps:
1.      Start Cluster Administrator (CluAdmin.exe).
2.      Right-click the node, and then click Evict Node.
Note The cluster service must be running if the cluster was configured to use the “Enable Kerberos authentication” option.
3.      Delete the computer object (network name) from Active Directory, and replicate for changes to take effect.

If you cannot start the Cluster service, or if you have trouble removing the node, you can manually unconfigure the Cluster service:
1.      Run the Cmd.exe program to open a command prompt.
2.      At the command prompt, type cluster node nodename /forcecleanup, and then press ENTER.

Note: If the Cluster service does not exist in the registry, the command does not respond. To create a place holder, type the following line at the command line, and then press ENTER:

sc create clussvc

For more information, refer below link

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Disabling Strict Name Checking

When a client computer connects to a Microsoft Windows 2000 or 2003 Server by using an alias name, the client may receive the following error message:
"System error 52 has occurred. A duplicate name exists on the network."
This problem can occur when you try to connect to the server by using a CNAME alias that is created in the DNS zone. The server is not "listening" on the alias, and therefore is not accepting connections to that name.
To resolve the issue, disable strict name checking.
  1. Create the CNAME record for the file server on the appropriate DNS server, if the CNAME record is not already present.
  2. Apply the following registry change to the file server. To do so, follow these steps:
  3. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
  4. Locate and click the following key in the registry:
  5. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value:
    Value name: DisableStrictNameChecking
    Data type: REG_DWORD
    Radix: Decimal
    Value: 1
  6. Quit Registry Editor.
  7. Restart your computer.
More information regarding this issue can be found in the following KB article:

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Windows Cluster how to change the quorum disk designation

Windows Cluster how to change the quorum disk designation

In the event of failure, Windows Clustering maintains a primary node, and replicates changes for the cluster registry by means of a shared disk. This disk is called the quorum drive. The quorum drive has two responsibilities:
  • It replicates the cluster registry to all other nodes in the server cluster. The cluster registry is stored in the following location on each node: %SystemRoot%\Cluster\Clusdb.  The cluster registry is replicated to the \Mscs\Chkxxx.tmp file on the quorum drive. These files are exact copies of each other and can be manually copied and renamed to replace each other. The Quolog.log file is a transaction log that maintains a record of all changes to the checkpoint file so that these changes can be appended to nodes that were offline when they join back into the cluster. Quolog.log is stored in the \Mscs directory on the quorum disk.
  • If there is a loss of communication between the nodes in the cluster, a "Split Brain" scenario occurs. In this situation, the owner of the quorum disk resource becomes the only owner of the cluster and all the resources. The owner then makes the resources available for clients. When the node that owns the quorum disk does not function correctly, the surviving nodes arbitrate to take ownership of the device. In a single cluster, there is a local quorum resource. In the event of a hardware failure of the quorum disk, it may be necessary to designate another device as the quorum disk.
The quorum disk is located on a shared bus in the cluster. Use the following procedure to designate a different drive for the quorum device:
1.       Start Cluster Administrator (CluAdmin.exe).
2.       Right-click the cluster name in the upper-left corner, and then click Properties.
3.       Click the Quorum tab.
4.       In the Quorum resource box, click a different disk resource.
5.       If the disk has more than one partition, click the partition where you want the cluster-specific data to be kept, and then click OK.
NOTE: If you cannot start Cluster service because the quorum disk is unavailable, use the /FIXQUORUM switch to start Cluster service. You are then able to change the quorum disk designation.

When you change the quorum disk designation, Cluster service does not remove the /Mscs directory from the old drive. For administrative purposes, you may want to delete this old directory, or keep it as a backup. Do not continue running Cluster service with the /FIXQUORUM switch enabled. When the new quorum disk is established, stop the service and restart it without a switch. Then it is safe to bring other nodes online.

It is recommended that you increase the quorum log size to 4,096 KB.

You can refer more infor in this KB article:

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Creating Multiple Sites Using Host Header Names (IIS 6.0)

Creating Multiple Sites Using Host Header Names (IIS 6.0)

Every Web site has a descriptive name, and can support one or more host header names. You can host multiple Web sites on a single server using host headers because this method enables you to create multiple Web site identities without using a unique IP address for each site.

To add a Web site using a host header identifier using the Web Site Creation Wizard
In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, right-click the Web Sites directory, point to New, and then click Web Site.
Click Next.
In the Description box, type the name you have selected for the Web site, and then click Next.
In the Enter the IP address to use for this Web site box, click the IP address used by all sites on the server.
In the TCP port this Web site should use box, type the port number used by all sites on the server.
In the Host Header for this Web site (Default:None) box, type the host header name to identify the Web site. The host header name must contain the full name of the site, for example,
If SSL encryption is not enabled on the server, the SSL port box does not appear. If SSL encryption is enabled on the server, type the SSL port number, and then click Next.
In the Path box, type or browse to the path of your Web site home directory.
To create a secured or private Web site, clear the Allow anonymous access to this Web site check box, or if Anonymous access is required do not clear the checkbox, click Next.
Click Next, and then click Finish.

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Disabling SSL 2.0 and PCT 1.0 Protocols

How to Disable SSL 2.0 and PCT 1.0 protocol?

Below the instructions to disable SSL 2.0 and PCT 1.0 protocol...

To disable the PCT 1.0 protocol so that IIS does not try to negotiate using the PCT 1.0 protocol, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, click Run, type regedt32 or type regedit, and then click OK.
  2. In Registry Editor, locate the following registry key:

    HKey_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders \SCHANNEL\Protocols\PCT 1.0\Server
  3. On the Edit menu, click Add Value.
  4. In the Data Type list, click DWORD.
  5. In the Value Name box, type Enabled, and then click OK.

    Note If this value is present, double-click the value to edit its current value.
  6. Type 00000000 in Binary Editor to set the value of the new key equal to "0".
  7. Click OK. Restart the computer.

To disable the SSL 2.0 protocol so that IIS does not try to negotiate using the SSL 2.0 protocol, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, click Run, type regedt32 or type regedit, and then click OK.
  2. In Registry Editor, locate the following registry key:

    HKey_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders \SCHANNEL\Protocols\SSL 2.0\Server
  3. On the Edit menu, click Add Value.
  4. In the Data Type list, click DWORD.
  5. In the Value Name box, type Enabled, and then click OK.

    Note If this value is present, double-click the value to edit its current value.
  6. Type 00000000 in Binary Editor to set the value of the new key equal to "0".
  7. Click OK. Restart the computer.
you can refer more information here:

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.Net Framework Uninstall tool : All Versions


This .NET Framework cleanup tool is designed to automatically perform a set of steps to remove selected versions of the .NET Framework from a computer.  It will remove files, directories, registry keys and values and Windows Installer product registration information for the .NET Framework.  The tool is intended primarily to return your system to a known (relatively clean) state in case you are encountering .NET Framework installation, uninstallation, repair or patching errors so that you can try to install again.
There are a couple of very important caveats that you should review before using this tool to remove any version of the .NET Framework from your system:
  • This tool is designed as a last resort for cases where install, uninstall, repair or patch installation did not succeed for unusual reasons.  It is not a substitute for the standard uninstall procedure. 
  • This cleanup tool will delete shared files and registry keys used by other versions of the .NET Framework.  If you run the cleanup tool, you will need to perform a repair/re-install for all other versions of the .NET Framework that are on your computer or they will not work correctly afterwards.
Download location

The .NET Framework cleanup tool is available for download at the following location:
The .zip file that contains the tool also contains a file named history.txt that lists when the most recent version of the tool was published and what changes have been made to the tool over time.

Supported products

The .NET Framework cleanup tool supports removing the following products:
  • .NET Framework - All Versions
  • .NET Framework - All Versions (Tablet PC and Media Center)
  • .NET Framework - All Versions (Windows Server 2003)
  • .NET Framework - All Versions (Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008)
  • .NET Framework - All Versions (Windows 7)
  • .NET Framework 1.0
  • .NET Framework 1.1
  • .NET Framework 2.0
  • .NET Framework 3.0
  • .NET Framework 3.5
  • .NET Framework 4
  • .NET Framework 4.5
Not all of the above products will appear in the UI for the .NET Framework cleanup tool on every operating system.  The cleanup tool contains logic so that if it is run on an OS version that includes the .NET Framework as an OS component, it will not offer the option to clean it up.  This means that running the cleanup tool on Windows XP Media Center Edition or Tablet PC Edition will not offer the option to clean up the .NET Framework 1.0, running it on Windows Server 2003 will not offer the option to clean up the .NET Framework 1.1 and running it on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 will not offer the option to clean up the .NET Framework 2.0 or the .NET Framework 3.0.
When choosing to remove any of the above versions of the .NET Framework, the cleanup tool will also remove any associated hotfixes and service packs.  You do not need to run any separate steps to remove the service pack(s) for a version of the .NET Framework.

Silent installation mode

The .NET Framework cleanup tool supports running in silent mode.  In this mode, the tool will run without showing any UI, and the user must pass in a version of the .NET Framework to remove as a command line parameter.  To run the cleanup tool in silent mode, you need to download the cleanup tool, extract the file cleanup_tool.exe from the zip file, and then run it using syntax like the following:

cleanup_tool.exe /q:a /c:"cleanup.exe /p <name of product to remove>"

The value that you pass with the /p switch to replace <name of product to remove> in this example must exactly match one of the products listed in the Supported products section above.  For example, if you would like to run the cleanup tool in silent mode and remove the .NET Framework 1.1, you would use a command line like the following:

cleanup_tool.exe /q:a /c:"cleanup.exe /p .NET Framework 1.1"

One important note – as indicated above, the cleanup tool will not allow you to remove a version of the .NET Framework that is installed as part of the OS it is running on.  That means that even if you try this example command line on Windows Server 2003, the tool will exit with a failure return code and not allow you to remove the .NET Framework 1.1 because it is a part of that OS.

Similarly, you cannot use the cleanup tool to remove the .NET Framework 1.0 from Windows XP Media Center Edition or Windows XP Tablet PC Edition or remove the .NET Framework 2.0 or 3.0 from Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008.  In addition, if you run the cleanup tool on an OS that has any edition of the .NET Framework installed as a part of the OS, it will prevent you from using the .NET Framework - All Versions option because there is at least one version that it cannot remove.

If you are planning to run the cleanup tool in silent mode, you need to make sure to detect what OS it is running on and not pass in a version of the .NET Framework with the /p switch that is a part of the OS or make sure that you know how to handle the failure exit code that you will get back from the cleanup tool in that type of scenario.

Unattended installation mode

The .NET Framework cleanup tool supports running in silent mode.  In this mode, the tool will run and only show a progress dialog during removal, but will require no user interaction.  Unattended mode requires the user to pass in a version of the .NET Framework to remove as a command line parameter.  To run the cleanup tool in unattended mode, you need to download the cleanup tool, extract the file cleanup_tool.exe from the zip file, and then run it using syntax like the following:

cleanup_tool.exe /q:a /c:"cleanup.exe /p <name of product to remove> /u"

For example, if you would like to run the cleanup tool in unattended mode and remove the .NET Framework 1.1, you would use a command line like the following:

cleanup_tool.exe /q:a /c:"cleanup.exe /p .NET Framework 1.1 /u" 

Exit codes

The cleanup tool can returns the following exit codes:
  • 0 - cleanup completed successfully for the specified product
  • 3010 - cleanup completed successfully for the specified product and a reboot is required to complete the cleanup process
  • 1 - cleanup tool requires administrative privileges on the machine
  • 2 - the required file cleanup.ini was not found in the same path as cleanup.exe
  • 3 - a product name was passed in that cannot be removed because it is a part of the OS on the system that the cleanup tool is running on
  • 4 - a product name was passed in that does not exist in cleanup.ini
  • 100 - cleanup was able to start but failed during the cleanup process
  • 1602 - cleanup was cancelled
Log files

The cleanup tool creates the following log files:
  • %temp%\cleanup_main.log - a log of all activity during each run of the cleanup tool; this is a superset of the logs listed below as well as some additional information
  • %temp%\cleanup_actions.log - a log of actions taken during removal of each product; it will list files that it finds and removes, product codes it tries to remove, registry entries it tries to remove, etc.
  • %temp%\cleanup_errors.log - a log of errors and warnings encountered during each run of the cleanup tool

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