Symantec CMC pop-up message for enabling DEP

Whenever you are login to the server, you will be getting "Symantec CMC" pop-up message for enabling DEP (Data Execution Prevention). After clicking 6-7 times on close message, pop-up will close. The same issue occurs each time you login to the server.

Try this step:

Close the pop-up message and Delete all the files in C:\Windows\PCHealth\ERRORREP\UserDumps folder

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VBScript to get Local Administrator group members on list of servers

' Provide server names in servers.txt file and place it in C: drive. Output will be saved as                              '  LocalAdmin_groups.xls in C: drive.
' Note: you need to run this script on machine where excel is installed and access to ' other servers

' Start of Script
Const Reading = 1
Dim objComp, strcomputer
Dim objExcel, objWorkbook, objWorksheet, objGroup, objRange
Dim objfile, objNtpad

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = True
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Add()
Set objWorksheet = objWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
Set objNtpad = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objNtpad.OpenTextFile("C:\Servers.txt", Reading)

On Error Resume Next
Set objexcel=CreateObject("Excel.application")
If(number <> 0) Then
  On Error Goto 0
  WScript.Echo "Excel application not found"
End If
objworksheet.cells(1,1) = "Servername"
objworksheet.cells(1,2) = "Members of Admin Group"
objworksheet.range("A1:B1").font.size= 12
objworksheet.range("A1:B1").font.bold= True
x = 2
strComputer = objfile.ReadLine
Set objComp = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer)
If objComp.PropertyCount > 0 Then
    Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & "/Administrators,group")
    If objGroup.PropertyCount > 0 Then
       objworksheet.cells(x, 1)=  strcomputer
         n = 2
        For Each mem In objGroup.Members
        objworksheet.cells(x, n) = Right(mem.adsPath, Len(mem.adspath) - 8)
          n = n + 1    
End If
   x = x + 1
End If
Loop Until objfile.AtEndOfStream = True
Set objrange = objWorksheet.Usedrange
objworkbook.SaveAs "C:\LocalAdmin_groups.xls"

WScript.Echo "File saved successfully on C:\LocalAdmin_groups.xls"
Set objworksheet = Nothing
Set objworkbook = Nothing
Set objexcel = Nothing
Set objfile = Nothing
Set objrange = Nothing

' End of Script

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VBScript to create Bulk User Groups in AD

Below the VBscript code which is used to create Bulk groups in AD

' This script is intended to meet the creation of bulk user groups in AD
' you need to run this script on server where you have excel application installed
' and access to AD. Create a excel file with Five columns A1=Group name, B1=Group type
' C1=Description, D1=MemberOf and E1=Result
' Note: You need to mention Group name and Group type as (local or global) and description (optional)   ' and memberOf (optional) as input to execute the script. Name the Excel file as Groups.xls place it on '  C: drive.

On Error Resume Next
Const ADS_GROUP_SECURITY = &h80000000

Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objCommand =   CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
Set objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
Set objError = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
strDNSDomain = objRootDSE.Get("DefaultNamingContext")

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWorkbook ="C:\Groups.xls")
Set objWorksheet = objWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
objError.CompareMode = 1

' Edit OU details here as in which OU groups to be created
Set objOU = GetObject("LDAP://OU=Groups,OU=TestOU,"& StrDNSDomain)

Do Until objExcel.Cells(i, 1).Value = ""
   strGroup = objExcel.Cells(i, 1).Value
   Set objGroup = objOU.Create("Group", "cn="& StrGroup)
   objGroup.Put "sAMAccountName", StrGroup
 If LCase(objExcel.Cells(i, 2).Value) = "local" Then
    objGroup.Put "groupType", ADS_GROUP_LOCAL Or ADS_GROUP_SECURITY
 End If
    objGroup.Put "description", objExcel.Cells(i, 3).Value
 If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    objError.Add strGroup, "Failed - " & Err.Description
    objError.Add strGroup, "Successfully Created"
 End If

Set ObjGroup = nothing
 objExcel.Cells(i,5).value = objError.Item(StrGroup)
 i = i + 1

' Output will be edited on the same excel sheet on column E
Wscript.echo "Done"

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Rule limit in Outlook

Microsoft has limited the size of the rule folder in Outlook to 32kb which limits the number of rules to roughly 40-50 rules in Outlook. This limit cannot be increased.

Some workarounds can be done as mentioned in below MS article:
1 Rename your rules to a shorter name.

2 Delete any old rules. To delete a rule in Outlook

3 Combine similar rules to reduce the overall size of your rules. If it is possible, combine similar rules to reduce the overall size of your rules. After you have combined similar rules, delete the rules that you do not need any more.

4 Move your personal folders (.pst) file to a location that has the shortest path name. If you have rules that move e-mail messages to a .pst file, move your .pst file to a location that has the shortest path name as possible. For example, move your .pst file to a location such as C:\file_name.pst. (preferred location for pst is my documents)


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Unable to open attachments in Outlook 2003

Error that occurs for users when trying to open attachments in Outlook and not able to view images in body of message

How it works in background:
- When a user receives an email with an attachment, the user is unable to open the attachment(s) within Outlook 2003 as an error appears with “this folder can't be found” or “the user doesn't have access to the temp/attachments folder”.
- This occurs when you open an attachment, Outlook places these attachments in a subdirectory under the Temporary Internet Files directory.
- Outlook uses a temporary file; it examines the registry to determine whether or not the TEMP OLK folder has already been created. Sometimes the folder doesn't exist or the path used to store the temp files, the user doesn’t have permission to view them in which the error occurs.

Try this steps:
Step 1: Open the Windows registry using regedit32.exe and type in the users workstation to connect to the network registry.
Step 2: Follow the path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software \ Microsoft \ Office \ 11.0\ Outlook \Security
Step 3: Locate and select the following file name "OutlookSecureTempFolder"
Step 4: Create or change the path location of the file to:
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\
Step 5: Get the user to restart and open attached files within Outlook.

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Printing Shared Calender in Outlook 2003

The messaging interface has returned an unknown error. If the problem persists, restart Outlook.

This issue may occur if Daily Style is selected as the print style in the Print dialog box.

To resolve the issue use one of the following methods

Method1 : Disable the Task Pad option

On the File menu, click Print.
Click Page Setup.
On the Format tab, click to clear the Task Pad check box.
Click OK to close the Page Setup dialog box.
With the Daily Style print style selected, click OK to print the shared calendar

Method 2: Update the permissions of the user

To update the permissions for the user of the shared calendar, follow these steps:
In the Navigation Pane, click Calendar.
On the File menu, point to Folder, and then click Properties for "Calendar".
Click the Permissions tab.
Click Add, and then add the user.
With the user selected, set the Permission Level to a minimum of Reviewer.
Click OK to close the Calendar Properties dialog box.
To update the permissions for the user of the shared tasks, follow these steps:
In the Navigation Pane, click Tasks.
On the File menu, point to Folder, and then click Properties for "Tasks".
Click the Permissions tab.
Click Add, and then add the user.
With the user selected, set the Permission Level to a minimum

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Mailbox full and information is not reflecting on the server copy even after deleting or archiving e-mails

Even after you moving old emails and deleting unwanted emails and larger attachments mails, your mailbox size will be full

This happens due to the sync issue between the local cached copy and the server copy,
In order to delete e-mail from the server copy to fix the mail box size.

Please follow the below steps.
Right click on Mailbox in outlook and click on 'Advanced Find'

In top 'Look for' section select 'Any type of Outlook item' and click on Find now.
You will see all the mails, calender entries..sort through 'In folder', you will see n number of 'Sync Issues' mails which is of 1KB. Select all those and delete it.

Now you will see the folder size will be reduced.

Right click on the mail box -> properties -> folder size

If there is server copy and local copy, please disable cached exchange mode

To disable cached exchange mode, on outlook click on to tools-> e-mail accounts

Select “view or change existing e-mail account “and next.
Click on change,
Uncheck cached exchange mode, then next and finish.
Once cached exchange mode is disabled, please close and reopen outlook and start archiving/ deleting e-mails accordingly.

Please enable the cached exchange mode for the better results in outlook.

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Outlook Error 0x80004005 The operation failed

When users click on send or receive, it will end up in error "0x80004005 : The operation failed" which in result they wont be able to receive new e-mails.

Try this step:
In order to receive e-mails, Please disable the mail notification settings in Outlook.

To disable New-Mail notifications, follow these steps:

In Outlook, click Options on the Tools menu, and then click the Preferences tab.
Click E-mail Options, and then click to clear the Display a notification message when new mail arrives check box

Click OK two times.

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How to Clear CACHE in MS Outlook

How to clear MS Outlook cached files which can cause problems when sending emails or opening automatic forms, clearing the cache can also fix other small outlook issues.
Try this steps:
From the outlook bar across the top select “tools” and then “options” from the tabs across the top select “other”.

When the other tab is visible select “Advanced options…”, which can be found near to the top of options window of the options window.

In the bottom left hand corner of the advanced options screen there will be an option called “Custom Forms…” select this button.

A new window will pop up with two tabs across the top select the “Custom forms” tab, once you’re in the custom forms tab select “Manage forms…”

A Forms Manager box will pop up in the centre of that screen you will see a button labelled “Clear Cache” press this button.

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How to Recover deleted emails in MS Outlook

Many times when someone deletes an email, it still can be found in the Outlook memory. There is an easy fix to get those emails back.

Open MS Outlook.
Highlight the "Deleted Items" box (click it once).
Choose "Tools" | "Recover Deleted Items...".
Choose items to be recovered and press the "Recover Selected Items" button (the icon looks like a letter, with a reverse arrow).

If the user has done a "Shift + Delete" or emptied their deleted items, it is likely that their emails will not be able to be retrieved even with the recover deleted items tool.
Please follow below steps on how to recover deleted items even if the user has deleted from the deleted items or shift Delete.

In Registry, Navigate the Key to:

Within Options, Right Click and select New DWORD Value
Type “DumpsterAlwaysOn” and the value should be 1

This above exercise will enable the Recovery Deleted items option in the inbox.

Open Outlook, Select Tools -> click on “Recover Deleted Items.

By Default the Deleted Recovery Deleted items enabled only for Deleted Items.

NOTE: If you are unable to retrieve deleted emails via dumpster use the following link.$/inbox/?cmd=showdeleted .
Change “username$” to the userID and open the link via IE on the computer.

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Application sharing not responding in Office Communicator

Application sharing not working through office communicator

Open the Windows registry using regedit32.exe and type in the users workstation to connect to the network registry.

Navigate to the following path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Microsoft -> User location Service -> Client

Backup the client key and then delete the key.
Get the user to reboot the machine and advise the user to sign on to the Office communicator and test Application Sharing

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VBA Automation Error while opening MS Excel

When launching MS Excel user get a Visual Basic Pop-up stating “Automation Error"

We need to unregister mscomctl.ocx and then register this file with regsvr32

Open Command Prompt with Admin ID & type the command “regsvr32 /u mscomctl.ocx” then press enter

Type the next command “regsvr32 mscomctl.ocx” & then hit enter
This should resolve the issue

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Ambiguous name Detected-TmpDDE

Microsoft Word crashed when tried to upload word documents on SharePoint site OR Unable to open multiple word documents on SharePoint

Open Microsoft Word

Click Tools on the menu bar and select Macro and Macros to open the Macros window.

Click Organizer button to open the Organizer window.

The organizer should default to the Macro Project Items tab. If not, then select it.

Click to highlight in the box. Click Delete.

Click OK. Close Word & try

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User is unable to open Excel documents

When a user tries to open an excel document, either from there desktop or within an email they may be presented with the issue of being unable to open an excel document in which a blank screen appears when trying to do so.

Select start > All programs> Microsoft Office> Microsoft Office Excel 2003 on the affected user’s machine

Select Tools > then click on Options
Select the “General“tab and make sure “ignore other applications is not selected.

This will resolve the issue when a user tries to open an excel document.

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SharePoint error "The list cannot be displayed in Datasheet view"

You will get an error as below while listing the items in datasheet view.

Error Description:
The list cannot be displayed in Datasheet view for one or more of the following reasons:
- A datasheet component compatible with Windows SharePoint Services is not installed.
- Your Web browser does not suppoft ActiveX controls.
- Support for ActiveX controls is disabled.

You need to edit the registry key for this solution. take the backup of the registry.

In the registry, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Common\ProductVersion.

Right click on 'ProductVersion' folder and select 'New -> Binary value'.

Change the Value Name to 'ProInfo'.

Set its value to '0000 00 01'. The first 4 zeros will be populated by default. You need to keey in 0001 only. The alignment between the digits is taken care automatically.
Save and close the registry.

Note: One of the causes of this error is that SharePoint has identified the installed version of Microsoft Office Excel as 'Standard' rather than 'Professional'

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Debug error on sharepoint while uploading or opening a files

While opening the file on sharepoint site the user gets Debug error and the Internet explorer closes.

Solution: Microsoft has a Hotfix for office (Zip file attached) this Hotfix will resolve the issue

Hotfix: office-kb938888-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
Link to download:

Note: This fix is for office 2007 users

Close and open the Sharepoint site and try to download the file you will succeed.

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Unable to open folders using explorer view in Sharepoint portal

Unable to open folders using explorer view in Sharepoint portal

You will see error msg:
“Your client does not support opening this list with Windows Explorer” message is received when you open folders in explorer view.

Reason for Cause: The reason behind this is because the full folder path has exceeded the maximum character limit that the Explorer View supports. This is a limitation of Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer when used together in Sharepoint.

Solution: Easiest way is to Rename the folders to shorten the path

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VBscript to find members and memberOf from a group

VBscript to find members and memberOf from a group

' List All the 'Members' and 'Member Of' of a Group
' Test_group points to the group which you need the output

On Error Resume Next

Set objGroup = GetObject ("LDAP://cn=Test_Group,ou=TestOU,dc=home,dc=com")

arrMember = objGroup.GetEx("member")

WScript.Echo "Members:"
For Each strMember in arrMember
    WScript.echo strMember

arrMemberOf = objGroup.GetEx("memberof")
WScript.Echo "MemberOf:"
For Each strMemberOf in arrMemberOf
    WScript.echo strMemberOf

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How to Increase Sharepoint site storage limit

Step by step guide on how to increase a Sharepoint site storage limit

- Go to Central collaboration or Central Administration page

- Under Sharepoint Site Management Component Configuration click on “Site collection quotas and locks”

- Under Site Collection, click on “Change Site Collection”

- Paste the URL site that needs to be increased in the link and click on OK
Ex: /communities/MS

- Same "Site collection Quotas and Locks" window will get expanded, within Site Quota Information locate the “current Quota template” option

- Click on the Limit site storage to maximum of, change the quota to “Asrequired” and on Send warning e-mail when site storage reaches to “Asrequired” and then click OK

- This will update and increase the storage limit allocated to the Sharepoint site.

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Symantec Endpoint – Virus Definition OR Policies Update failed

If Symantec endpoint protection is getting definition updates automatically.

There are multiple fix for this issue, please refer to the procedure steps below.

Fix 1:
Open regedit and navigate to below path
Navigate to HKEY_USER\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections\

Delete DefaultConnectionSettings and SavedLegacySettings and restart the workstation.
Note: Take the backup of the registry key before deleting it.

Do right click on SEP icon (Symantec EndPoint Protection) and click "Update Policy"

Fix 2:
If there are no above mentioned registry Key, do the following steps:

Goto Symantec site and download Client Definition Files and run it in user computer.

Note: IF the file is a zip file please extract all files to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\VirusDefs\Incoming

Note: If user don't have Incoming folder. Please manually create one. Then extract the files to the Incoming folder.

Then right click on SEP (Symantec EndPoint Protection) and click "Update Policy"

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Removing the Disable Registry Tools restriction

How to remove Disable Registry tools restriction on Windows servers

You can achieve this by two ways:

Through Registry:
Using the REG.EXE console tool
Click Start, Run and type this command:
REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Through Group policy:
Using the Group Policy Editor (Windows XP Professional only)
Click Start, Run and type gpedit.msc and press ENTER
Go to the following location:
User Configuration | Administrative Templates | System
Double-click Disable registry editing tools and set it to Not Configured
Exit the Group Policy Editor

Note: If the setting already reads Not Configured, set it to Enabled, and click Apply. Then revert it back to Not Configured. This ensures that the DisableRegistryTools registry value is removed successfully.

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Folder Options missing is not available in the Windows Explorer Tools menu

Unable to see Folder Options under Tools menu bar in Windows Explorer

Follow below steps:

Click Start, choose Run and execute regedit.

Navigate to: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer]
Right click on NoFolderOptions on the right pane and choose Delete

Navigate to: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer]
Right click on NoFolderOptions on the right pane and choose Delete

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IIS Snap-in - All - Snap-In failed to initialize

While running IIS you will encounter an error and that time check with the accounts on local computer


Go to local users and groups and verify the IUSR_MACHINENAME and IWAM_MACHINENAME accounts are not locked. If locked, unlock these accounts.

Issue will be fixed.

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How to Delete Stored Password List on Windows XP

When a user logs onto various Web pages and applications, Windows keeps prompting the user if the wants to record the password for the next time he/she logs in.

Problems the users can experience because of the stored passwords can be:
·         User is constantly getting locked out.
·         User is constantly prompted for a user name and password box when the go to applications, like MS-Outlook.

Follow below steps to delete the Stoed password list:

Right click anywhere on the desktop.  Under “New” select “Shortcut”
In the white box type or copy in “rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr” click “next” and then “finish”

Removed any stored passwords in the stored passwords field.

Get the user to log off and log back on and the problem should be fixed!

Note: This fix is for users on Windows XP only.

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Command to query Domain Controller, GC, FSMO roles servers in Domain and also in Forest

To find all domain controllers in the current domain, type:
dsquery server

To find all domain controllers in the forest, and then display their relative distinguished names, type:
dsquery server -forest

To find GC's in current domain, type:
dsquery server -isgc

To find all the GC's in the forest, type:
dsquery server -forest -isgc

To find all domain controllers in the particular site, and then display their relative distinguished names, type:
dsquery server -site <Sitename>

To find the domain controllers in the domain that holds FSMO roles, type:
netdom /Query:FSMO

To find all domain controllers in the particular domain that are global catalog servers, type:
dsquery server –domain <FQDN domain name> -isgc

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LDAP query to search a group

How to search or filter groups through LDAP command?


How to search or filter a group with has common name through LDAP command?


How to search or filter list of users in a group through LDAP command?


Make sure you are providing full DN name. Also, if you are searching through 'Custom Search' option in AD select Domain namedont select the OU.

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