How to Delete Stored Password List on Windows XP

When a user logs onto various Web pages and applications, Windows keeps prompting the user if the wants to record the password for the next time he/she logs in.

Problems the users can experience because of the stored passwords can be:
·         User is constantly getting locked out.
·         User is constantly prompted for a user name and password box when the go to applications, like MS-Outlook.

Follow below steps to delete the Stoed password list:

Right click anywhere on the desktop.  Under “New” select “Shortcut”
In the white box type or copy in “rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr” click “next” and then “finish”

Removed any stored passwords in the stored passwords field.

Get the user to log off and log back on and the problem should be fixed!

Note: This fix is for users on Windows XP only.

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