How to send an email at a future/specified time

If you have some mail that you don't want to send immediately, Outlook lets you defer delivery until a specified time.

On a new email, click on the Options tab and click Delay Delivery. This opens a requester with a “Do not deliver before:” field; enter a date and time, then click Close.
After you hit Send, the message will be held until the specified time for sending.

If you're using an Exchange server, you can now close Outlook;

If you're using POP or IMAP you’ll have to leave the application open until the specified time for delivery has passed.

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How to know if your LAN id is Lock-out, when to change password and other information about your LAN ID

Through Net User command you can find the same

Go to Start - Run - Type "CMD"

Syntax: " net user /domain LANid "


C:\Documents and Settings\testuser>net user /domain testuser

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Error vbscript 80040111 source: windows script host

While logging into windows you gets an error vbscript 80040111 source: windows script host

This happens because the jscript.dll & vbscript.dll are corrupted.

Login to the computer.
Open a notepad and type below commands. Save the notepad as script.bat. Run this batch file

Regsvr32 jscript.dll
Regsvr32 vbscript.dll

You will see a message saying “Dllregisterserver in jscript.dll succeeded” & “Dllregisterserver in vbscript.dll succeeded” click ok to the pop up.

Restart the computer and re-login it should be all good.

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VBscript to find Serial number of Server

Serial number is displayed on the Sticker on computers.

In case if you don't find them, copy the following script and save it as serialnumber.vbs and execute it.

Set objWMIservice = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
Set colitems = objWMIservice.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_BIOS")
For each objitem in colitems
Wscript.echo "Service Tag: " & objitem.serialnumber

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Windows, IE and Office Shortcut keys

List of Shortcut keys which would be helpful for day-to-day tasks

Internet Explorer Shortcut keys
Opening & closing tabs
To close a single tab in web browsers, hit Ctrl + W; whereas Ctrl + Shift + W will close the whole window.

Accidentally closed a tab you were viewing on web browsers? You can reopen such tabs by Ctrl + Shift + T if the window is still open. To open new tabs, just click Ctrl + T.

Switching between windows
We often find ourselves switching between windows while working and using the mouse every time can be tedious. Toggle between windows in all versions of Windows using Alt + Tab keys.

Opening windows side-by-side
While working, you will often use the internet for research, but switching between the web browser and document is not always convenient. To open windows side by side open the Word document, hit Windows + Left arrow key to push it to the left half of the display. Now, open the browser and click Windows + Right arrow key to slide the window to the right half.
Locking the PC or going directly to desktop
To go directly to the desktop, just hit Windows key + D. Hit it again to go back to the window you were using last.

And if you want to lock the computer, just hit Windows + L.

MS PowerPoint Shortcut keys
If you have too many slides and don't want to scroll down to go to a particular slide, you can just hit the slide number and Enter key together, for eg. 7 + Enter. Adding a new slide just needs the Ctrl + M command and repeat the last action with F4.

Click F5 to start the presentation from the first slide or Shift + F5 to start it from the current slide. Want to increase or decrease font size? Just select the text and hit Ctrl + Shift + > or Ctrl + Shift + < combos, respectively

If you need to change the font from lower to UPPER case or vice versa press Shift + F3 (This shortcut works in MS-Word too)

MS Outlook Shortcut Keys

Windows Shortcut Keys

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Command to Check System ProductID and Install date details

The Systeminfo command prints out a long list of interesting information about your PC, including how long it's been running, the original install date, installed patches, motherboard and processor information, network information, memory and pagefile details and more.

Open Command prompt and type systeminfo

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Getting VBScript Error

If you are getting VBScript error while running any application, that is because some of the dlls would have not been registered correctly. You need to register those.

1. Open NotePad and paste the following :

regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 Msjava.dll
regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
regsvr32 Browseui.dll
regsvr32 Shell32.dll
regsvr32 jscript.dll
regsvr32 vbscript.dll

2. Save the Notepad with extension <filename>.bat
3. Double click on the file created and click on Ok for messages multiple times.
4. Restart the computer

This should fix the issue.

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Error message "Windows Installer Service on local computer started and then stopped

You need to re-register MSI engine. You need have admin privileges on the machine.

Execute these commands and reboot the machine.

- Select Start | Run, type Msiexec /unregister and click OK.
- Select Start | Run, type Msiexec /regserver and click OK.

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How can I uninstall Google Chrome?

After installing Google chrome you will have a lot of issues were in hyperlinks don't open in internet explorer and some other issues as well.

If you want to uninstall google chrome you will not find it in add or remove programs.

You need to delete the google chrome folder that is installed on your profile.

Follow the below steps to fix it.
- Open my documents-Tools-Folder options-View tab.
- Select show hidden files and folders.
- Now right click on the start button click on explorer.
- Go Application data folder.
- You will find a folder called Google-Delete the folder.
- and delete the icon that is there on the desktop as well.
- Now google chrome is removed from your profile.

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How to run gpupdate from your profile without admin rights

Gpupdate is used to update all the policies that are added to your profile or computer in case if its not updated.

Follow the below steps to do a gpupdate,
Right click on the desktop, Click on new-shortcut.
type GPUPDATE & click next and finish.
Now you will see an icon on the desktop call GPUPDATE.EXE, double click on it.It will update all the policies.

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Issue with viewing the Quick launch icons on the Taskbar

If you are unable to view the Quick launch icons on the Taskbar

1.Right-click on the taskbar>Toolbars and check Quick Launch.

2.If the above does not work, right click anywhere on the desktop and create a shortcut to C:\Documents and Settings\<User ID>\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch

3.Open up this shortcut and copy over the shortcuts that you need on your quick launch toolbar.

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How to Stop Beep Sound when using DOS Application

-Right-click on My Computer
-On the Hardware tab, click on [Device Manager]
-On the "View" menu, select "Show hidden devices"
-Under "Non-Plug and Play Drivers", right-click "Beep"
-Click "Disable"
-Answer [Yes] when asked if you really want to disable it
-Answer [No] when asked if you want to reboot
-Right-click "Beep" again.
-Click "Properties"
-On the "Driver" tab, set the Startup type to Disabled
-Click [Stop]
-Click [OK]
-Answer [No] when asked if you want to reboot

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Unable to Launch Applications from Citrix

There might be numerous reasons as why the applications are not launching like ICA client issue, Citrix server not available/online etc...

We had a issue as after the application started launching, we get an error "....encountered a problem and needs to close"

The problem occurs when a you log into Citrix, Citrix session connects to the workstation to use the printers that have been added.
The problem appears when a printer appears in the workstation printer list that is “Inactive” or “Not Ready” or “Unable to Connect”

Go to “start – printers and faxes and Remove from the printer list any Printers that appear in “unable to connect”, “inactive” and “not ready” states
Right click printer with issue and select “Delete”, select "yes"
Repeat this step for all printers that appear in a not “READY” state.
Log on to Citrix and you should no longer see the error.

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How to Delete User Profile Completely

If Local profile will not load even after removing the profile directory manually from Users folder and user profile tab under system settings. and also some times Few user policies will not be cleared even after recreating the profile.

Use DelProf tool

DelProf is the most widely used tool to remove user profile, but this tool few times does not delete user registry list from HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ProfileList path.
Delete any user registry key word .BAK extension manually. DelProf will delete all keys but leaves user SID key there itself.

You can download this tool from below link:

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Web Applications Login Issues - Windows 7 or Windows XP

On Windows 7 Machines

If you are encountering issues accessing web applications and getting a “Page Can’t Be Displayed” or kept on asking you for a password, you may need to clear the Credentials Manager on your machine.

- Click on Start button from the lower left hand of your screen
- In "Search Programs and Files" bar, type in Credentials Manager and click on it from the entry
- Under Windows Credentials, click on the specific entry and you’ll find other options
- Click on Remove from Vault and confirm action

On WinXP Machines

There is no Credentials Manager option.

We can get the passwords cleared for applications or websites by these steps:
- Create a shortcut icon with these values
   %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr
- Double click on shortcut file and you will see the new windows as "Stored user names and passwords" with applications listed.
- You can remove the applications from here.

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